Blog Award

Wowzers. I received a small unassuming comment, mentioning that I’d been nominated for an award. My first one ever. The lovely Becky at Blogs-Of-A-Bookaholic decided that she liked my blog enough to give me the ‘Very Inspiring Blogger Award.’ It’s strange to think that people enjoy reading my reviews, opinions and general waffle on life. I still presume I’m talking to myself. I’m glad people take the time to do so!

Here are the award rules:

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award requirements.

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Hmm, 7 facts. It took me a ridiculous amount of time to think of 20 to put on my ‘About’ page, so this is a real task. Here are 7 more completely useless facts about little old me:

1) I don’t like eating fish. Way too fishy.

2) I’ve never watched It’s a Wonderful Life. Or The Shawshank Redemption.

3) I have an old fashioned phone in my room…photo

4) I can drive but I don’t really like it. I’m very nervous and useless with directions. My car is red and named Rosie.

5) I sing to my dog. Badly. I call him Boo Bear, so any song that has words like ‘you’ gets changed to Boo. It’s a whole system.

6) I would love to buy a proper antique book. Victorian or something, a proper little piece of history.

7) I can’t recall reading a book that I’ve ever truly hated.

I’m going to name just a few blogs that I always enjoy looking at and reading. They all talk about a wide variety of topics that interest me. In some cases they won’t have a clue who I am because I stalk from afar, but I always take the time to read their posts. When I have time to think of more I will add them.

Just A Little Whim

Depressed Pessimist

Artistic Debate

Of Life and Lies

The Fanciful Farrago

The Ramblings of a Twenty Something Wanderlust

Film Hipster

Lottie Reads (books occasionally)


Playing Booky


9 thoughts on “Blog Award

    1. Oh yes, they probably are, but at least I won’t die at midnight if I don’t pass it on. I know it isn’t a “proper” award. It’s just nice that somebody has acknowledged that they like my posts. Also, if it can help spread the word about blogs that I enjoy reading, then that’s fine by me!


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